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The OEM variant of the SonarMite echo sounder is designed for semi-permanent installation in a survey boat. The main differences between the devices being the OEM version is smaller and does not contain internal batteries. Internally the SonarMite includes a regulator that accepts a wide range of DC input voltages ranging from 7 to 32 volts.
In most cases these 'black' boxes are a cut down version of a more conventional instrument without all the features of the full system. The SonarMite extends this idea of a rugged design and minimalist interface to produce a 'Blue Box' system where the user interface is provided by integrated software running on a portable computer connected via a Bluetooth link. The use of wireless technology enables the instrument to be waterproof and used in a hostile environment while the more sensitive computer features can be located in a more user friendly environment up to 50m away from the instrument.
SonarMite OEM - Installation echo sounder
The SonarMite OEM instrument uses the same 'Smart' integrated transducer technology used in the standard SonarMite system, in addition to highly reliable bottom tracking algorithms using DSP techniques the system also outputs a quality value associated with every depth measurement made. Software for the 'front end' of the SonarMite is available to run on a wide range of devices from Pocket PCs through to the full range of desktop systems running the Windows operating system.
View the SonarMite specifications here